Get to meet some of us, and find out why we’re involved


“we’ve made new friends at st john’s that now feel like family, and we love growing in faith together”

— The Parkins

“I haven't always believed, But I believe in Jesus now because things have happened in my life that couldn't be explained by coincidence alone”

— Kate

“he rescued me from the pit of despair. he blessed me with a solid foundation. he set my heart to sinG with joy. a song of praise for his glory”

— Peter


“we love that St John’s is not about building a congregation but about building a family”

— Matt & Jane

“having faith in god has helped me deal with fear, because no matter what i’m experiencing i know help is on the way”

— Dianne


“We are loving the way a sense of community is developing at St John’s. Come and be part of it!”

— Chris & Susan


“Psalm 37 verse 4 says 'Delight yourself in the Lord and he will give you the desires of your heart.' For us, faith means trusting God to change our desires”

— Mark & Jane

“I’ve been at st john’s since i was four years old, the life of this church has and will always remain part of my life”

— Gillian


“Church isn't a building, it's people; we feel part of a community sharing faith, hope, love and togetherness (and cake)”

— Colin & Amanda


“my faith to me means that - I know that jesus walks besides me lovingly, and guides me through each day”

— Janet


“I feel secure and that I can face anything in life knowing that God loves and cares for me”

— Deborah